Stubbs The Zombie In Rebel Without A Pulse
Verkar vara ett kul spel (från 2005) som finns till PC och Xbox baserat på Halo-motorn vilket borde kunna ge lite spelglädje. Man spelar, för ovanlighetens skull, som zombien Stubbs där man kan skicka iväg kroppsdelar (t ex handen för att komma åt i trånga utrymmen eller bowla med ditt eget huvud) samt zombifiera människor och få dem att strida åt dig. Beskrivningen till spelet känns befriande skojig:
- Play as a Zombie and give those unpleasant, violent humans a piece of your mind... by eating theirs.
- Destroy an entire city built with Bungie's Halo Engine.
- Use Zombie Strength to smash down doors and maul a wide variety of citizens and armed defenders.
- Spread Zombie Love by eating the brains of your enemies and adding them to your own personal zombie horde.
- Possess unsuspecting humans and use their weapons against their friends.
- Use Your Body as a Weapon in the deadliest offense ever: explosive gut grenades, zombie sputum, a severed hand that can crawl through tight spaces and possess the living, a head that doubles as an unholy bowling ball, and flatulence beyond the ken of mortal men. (saxat från play)
Spelet kostar endast 129:- på cdon för pc.
Ascool trailer för spelet:
Det finns även ett soundtrack till spelet med covers på gamla 50-tals låtar av nutida artister som Death cab for Cutie och Flaming lips.
In 1933, Edward "Stubbs" Stubblefield was just another traveling salesman trying to get by during the Great Depression. His lifelong losing streak reached its logical conclusion when he was brutally murdered and ignominiously buried in a remote Pennsylvania field.
Now it's 1959. Billionaire playboy industrialist Andrew Monday has constructed a monument to his own ego: Punchbowl, Pennsylvania, a technology-driven City Of The Future to which the world will look for guidance. Unfortunately, Punchbowl is built atop the same stretch of land where Stubbs was buried all those years ago. When he crawls out of his grave during Punchbowl's opening day celebration, Stubbs doesn't know who killed him or why he's returned. All he knows is that this strange city of towering buildings, bright lights, and incredible machines wasn't here before... and that eating somebody's brains would make him feel better.
Källa: ign
Ha! Det här måste jag köpa. Såg att det hade utgått på X-box och det suger ju stort. Ja ja, blir till att hålla ögonen öppna på Tradera istället.
Det verkar jättekul, jag vill se fler spel som både innehåller skratt OCH splatter. Blir att köpa till PC i rappet.