Gory gory halleluja

Gory gory halleluja, bara titeln gör att jag vill ha den. Handlingen i korta drag är: Fyra skådisar provfilmar för rollen som Jesus och misslyckas och ger sig ut på vägarna på motorcyklar och råkar hamna i en mycket kyrklig stad och får problem med både lokalbefolkningen och zombies. Filmen gjordes redan 2003 av Sue Corcoran men finns ännu inte på svensk DVD, kan dock beställas på subdvd (R1). Filmen verkar vara en blandning mellan musikal, roadmovie, skräck/zombiefilm och komedi. Kolla in den officiella hemsidan för filmen.

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Sagt om Gory gory hallelujah:

"Brilliant! Destined to be a classic cult film. The Von Piglet Sisters are courageous, talented and totally original. I loved this film!" - Lloyd Kaufman - Troma Studios

"If you like The Evil Dead, despise the church, and read Howard Zinn, then this is the flick for you." - Seattle Weekly

"Seattle´s von Piglet Sisters have crafted a cinematic abomination. Like a fucked up cross between Wizard of Oz and Rocky Horror Picture Show, this slippery, gaudy toboggan ride to hell will leave you asking yourself, "did they just do that"? Given the right audience and pre-funk preparation, seeing this film could make you feel nine kinds of ridiculous." - Lance Chess, The Portland Mercury

Handlingen (saxad från officiella hemsidan):

Four actors compete for the role of Jesus - a black revolutionary (Jeff Gilbert), a bisexual hippie (Tim Gouran), a Jew (Todd Licea), and a woman (Angie Louise). When all four are rejected, they hit the road on bad-ass motorcycles. But when a run-in with a gang of Elvises ends in murder, they find themselves stranded in a little town called Jackville - where folk don?t take kindly to blasphemers. The Jesuses fall prey to an evil conspiracy that can only lead to the Apocalypse. As the oppressed turn against each other and the undead rise, who will emerge as the true Jesus? Can zombies bring redemption, or just eat flesh?


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